Impact of Covid-19 on People's Livelihood and Online Space
Covid-19 has led to a massive loss of human life worldwide and brought challenges to the public health sector. Many people have lost their jobs, thus falling into extreme poverty.
During lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and their families. This is because the majority have no income during these trying times, meaning they have no food to eat, or few people who have been surviving with their savings have no money left. Families have been sharing food left in their stores until it has become empty.
The pandemic led to the closure of borders, trade restrictions, and confinement measures, which have affected the entire food system. Workers and farmers are prevented from accessing markets to buy inputs and sell produce. Hence reduced access to healthy diets. And this poses a challenge to health conditions. There is an increased consumption of unhealthy foods, thus even increasing the risk of easily contracting Covid-19.
The marginalized population from low-income countries being hit hardest by the Virus. These people lack social support and cannot access quality health care services. The majority of this group receives low and irregular incomes. They work even in unsafe conditions without a mask and lack soap to wash their hands. Besides, they face shortages of water hence exposing themselves and their families to additional risks of contracting this dangerous Virus, and as breadwinners, they fall ill and die.
Better incomes and improved health should be considered for the marginalized group. Support for those most affected, including youth, older people, and particular attention to women who are the majority in low-paid jobs and care roles. They can be supported by providing them with shelter, food relief, and cash transfers.
This is the time for togetherness as the world. By supporting the vulnerable in our society, we can defeat the Virus.
On the other hand, Covid-19 has a great impact on online space. Covid-19 and E-commerce have greatly changed online shopping behaviors as consumers often use e-commerce and digital solutions to buy products while at home. People then shifted to social networking platforms to continue with their businesses. The most used communication platforms are Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Zoom and Microsoft teams have benefitted the most in the use of video calling applications in the workplace.
The vulnerable community has difficulty in accessing digital platforms simply because they cannot access internet services. They struggle to put a meal on the table and thus difficult to access the online services. They need a stable job to be able to pay even their rent. People have witnessed increased evictions during these trying times.
In conclusion, the world needs each other let’s take care of one another. Stretch hand where possible and help someone. Together we will overcome the pandemic.
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